YWIP's Sales Effectiveness Offerings help clients achieve selling superiority defined as "an actual competitive advantage derived from how they sell what you sell." Our services include Sales Effectiveness Assessment & Planning, Consulting, Coaching and Executive Search:
Sales Effectiveness Assessment & Planning—we review your sales: strategies, policies, processes, people (including Sales Leaders), goals, performance metrics, rewards, recognition, compensation, training, organizational design, technology and channels. This Assessment culminates in a Facilitated Action Planning Process at which you’ll be presented with detailed and prioritized recommendations and helped to take action.
Voice-of-the-Customer Assessment & Planning—we help you determine: why you were chosen by your customers; how you’re viewed relative to competitors; which of your products/services require immediate attention; how effectively your sales/customer-facing staff is performing; and what other products/services would be purchased if you had them available to sell. This assessment culminates in a Facilitated Action Planning Process at which you’ll be presented with detailed and prioritized recommendations.
Voice-of-the Employee Assessment & Planning--we will help you to tap into Sales Force insights and suggestions to identify opportunities for improvement and to implement meaningful changes supported by your employees.
Win-Loss Analysis--as a "third-party" set of eyes and ears, we systematically review deals you've won or lost to help you better understand the WHYs behind your sales results. We explore areas including your Competition, overall Sales Strategy, key Sales Processes, Pricing Policies, Organizational Design and, of course Sales Leadership.
YWIP SALES CONSULTING SERVICES—we address sales improvement priorities already known to you and/or those identified during the assessments described above. These services might include helping you to address some combination of the following:
A data-driven, winning "Approach-to-Market that drives desired Sales results.
Aligning Sales Strategies to your overall Business and Human Capital strategies.
Developing Sales Processes, Policies & Procedures to reinforce/drive desired Sales results.
Facilitating "Win-the-Deal Sessions" to help you close "must-win" Sales opportunities.
YWIP SALES COACHING SERVICES—changing behaviors seldom comes easily. So if Sales performance needs to improve, targeted Sales personnel might require some one-to-one attention. We coach Sales Executives and Account Teams to improve their performance and increase their personal and/or regional hit rates.
YWIP SALES EXECUTIVE RECRUITING SERVICES—we specialize in helping you find/recruit world-class Sales and Sales Leadership talent. Effective Selling is largely a person-to-person process and without truly outstanding "human capital" working on your behalf, Sales results will likely suffer.